50 terms

Over 50 Blender Terms Explained

rendering takes all the data and turn imto an image
ray tra calculayes what happanse to light in a real world
sampling - grainy image - cycles repeatedly samples each pixel
more attempts (samples) less noise
0257 fireflies - white spots on the render - not enough samples
normal derection of the thing shift+N to recalculate
pivot point - the center of the obgect transforms (scales, rotation)
individual origin
avarage betvin those origins
3d cursor
falloff like light deffusion or proportional edditing
spline curve
shading adding material
alpha - mapping transperrency or translutionsy
png rgba (red, green, blue, alpha)
ambient occlusion - shading - simulates soft shadows where geimetry toches
bake - pre render
procedural - based on instructions
hdri high dinamic range image


0:16 mesh
0:25 geometry
0:35 primitive
0:42 planar
0:54 ngon
1:12 proportional editing
1:42 rendering
1:55 render engine
2:10 ray tracing
2:54 fire fly
3:07 normal
3:42 UV/UV mapping
4:19 pivot point
4:37 fall of
5:07 spline
5:19 shading
5:33 alpha
6:07 ambient occlusion (AO)
6:21 bake / baking
7:00 procedural + PBR
7:34 render farm
8:08 HDRI
8:29 culling
8:56 seed
9:08 clamp / clamping
9:38 fake user
10:03 volumetric
10:19 grease pencil
10:36 freestyle
10:53 pressure sensitivity
11:17 constraint
11:33 modifier
12:02 particle system
12:25 instance
12:56 parenting + child object
13:15 motion blur
13:32 depth of field
14:00 caustic
14:24 IOR
14:52 MatCap
15:15 driver
15:45 vertex groupe
16:07 weight painting
16:29 voxel
16:43 subsurface scattering
17:05 key frame
17:28 interpolation
18:02 f-curve
18:18 non linear animation
18:41 shape key
19:01 vector
19:17 kinematics
19:27 forward kinematics
19:58 crypto matte
20:15 tessellation
20:32 multiple importance