Patrick Teahan



Apply the question to the course of your lifetime. The issue might be resolved but still say yes – it helps with your story.

  1. [-] I have relationship and intimacy problems.
  2. [-] I tend to get through things rather than experience and or enjoy them. (Vacations, Holidays, Projects, Shopping, Gatherings)
  3. [-] Dysfunctional people seek me out.
  4. [-] Being wrong and or right means too much to me.
  5. [-] When things are going well, I don’t trust it.
  6. [-] Growing up, my parent(s) were rageful, volatile, dominating, depressed, unavailable or neurotic.
  7. [-] Growing up, there was manipulation and or injustice.
  8. [-] Growing up, I experienced corporal punishment.
  9. [-] I get upset when others don’t read what is going on with me.
  10. [-] I can be greatly affected by other people’s moods.
  11. [-] Compliments make me uncomfortable and I minimize them.
  12. [-] I can often view myself based on the way people react or respond to me.
  13. [-] When someone is caring or nurturing I question it and feel uncomfortable.
  14. [-] I can often feel used or taken advantage of.
  15. [-] I often do not trust my own feelings or the feelings of others.
  16. [-] I can be reactive or deeply affected by criticism (any kind).
  17. [-] I feel that I’m not worthwhile unless I’m a satisfactory lover.
  18. [-] I’ve felt inadequate about my gender.
  19. [-] I’m perfectionistic and or rigid.
  20. [-] One or both my parents overly confided in me growing up about their problems.
  21. [-] Speaking up about my needs/preferences or saying no, is difficult for me.

Add up the yeses, and then add up the yeses and maybes and average them.
Any more than ten yeses most likely means that there is some childhood exploration and or work to do. Scoring high is very common.
Use this questionnaire as a tool to bring to treatment or to establish the need for treatment with a licensed behavioral health provider.

  • [8] (27+27+12)/2=33